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Click tin with approximately 12g of dextrose mints. Other fillings available, please enquire.

Plastic house shaped mint card with approx. 50 European sugar free mints per card (8g). Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax. Ingredients sticker and seal included

Plastic tube container with approximately 60 European mini mints per tube (7g). Ingredients sticker and seal included. Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax.

Click clack mint tin containing European peppermint flavoured mints. Approximately 40 mints per tins (12g). Ingredients stick included. Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax.

Click clack mint tin containing approximately 40 European mini mints (5g). Ingredients sticker included. Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax.

Rectangular shaped metal container with approximately 30 European mings (9g). Ingredients sticker and seal included. Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax.

Rectangular shaped metal container with approximately 64 European mints (23g) per tin. Gluten free and vegetarian only. Not suitable for vegans due to bees wax.

Click clack mint tin containing European peppermint flavoured mints. Approximately 75 mints per tins (23g). Ingredients stick included. Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax.

Triangular shaped metal container with approximately 55 European mints per tin (20g). Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax. Ingredients stick and seal included.

Metal heart shaped container with approximately 55 European mints per tin (23g). Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax. Ingredients sticker amd seal included.

Tall mint tin containing approximately 86 European mints per tin (30g). Gluten free and Vegetarian not suitable for Vegans due to bees wax.

An eco friendly Maxi Cube filled with Mint Imperials. Take advantage of the high-definition digital printing and put your design, logo or message on every side of the cube.



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